
Our beautiful land was my first project in Unreal and I wasn't alone. In fact, in our team, only one programmer had already worked with Unreal. The competition started in January, we had to build this game prototype from scratch during 10 weeks. Some constraints were imposed like having an AI, having a network multiplayer game and respecting the theme which was "Changed the world".

We took almost three weeks to find the concept of our game. Still have 7 weeks to build it, but our scope was too big. At week 5, our movement looked like the one in the video. We were far from our goal! We started working on the big loop ( Menu, level travelling ) during the last week and we never had try to package the game! Surprise! seamless travel crash only in the build! We were about to give up.. We handled the problem by travelling back to the menu and then in the next level instead of having a "level to level" travel. All this was hidden behind a nice loading screen ( which only work perfectly on the server side ).

We made a lot of errors during the competition, but this year, it won't happen! The next competition starts in January 2019 and I have the honor to participate again with my good friend Maxime Lariviere who is a very talented programmer.

Enjoy the game,


Files 548 MB
May 27, 2018

Get Our Beautiful Land

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